


Metamask: Can we sign and send transaction through Metamask on behalf of backend (nodeJs)

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Signing Transactions through Metamask In Nodes

When building a decentralized application (DAPP) Using Web3.js, a popular Javascript Library for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain, you’ll need to consider how to sign and send transactions from your frontend (web app) to a backend name. In this article, we’ll explore the equivalent of signing transactions through metamask in nodes.

What is Metamask?

Metamask is a popular extension for chrome that allows users to manage their ethereum wallet securely. It provides a simple way to store and manage your private keys, allowing you to interact with decentralized applications (DAPPs) without exposing sensitive information. When it comes to signing transactions through metamask in nodes, we’ll focus on the backend aspect of this process.

Signing Transactions through Web3.js

To sign transactions through Web3.js, you’ll need to create a new instance of the Web3 Provider using the Web3 Library. Then, use the SignTransaction Method to Sign Your Transaction Data.



Const Web3 = Require ('Web3');

// Set Up Your Web3 Provider (E.G., Infura, Metamask)

Const provider = new web3.providers.httprovider ('

// create a new instance of the Web3 Provider

Const Web3Instance = New Web3 (Provider);

// Define Your Data Transaction

Const transactiondata = {{

to: '0xsomeatdress', // Recipient Address

Value: '1 Ether', // Transaction Amount

Gaslimit: '20', // Gas Limit for the Transaction

Chainid: 1, // Ethereum Network ID (Mainnet)


// Sign Your Transaction Using Web3

Web3Instance.SignTransaction (TransactionData) .then ((SignedTransaction) => {

console.log ('signed transaction:', signedtransaction);


In this exam, we create a new instance of the Web3 Provider and use it to sign a transaction data object. The

Equivalent of Signing through Metamask

When signing transactions through metamask in nodes, you'll need to set up a backend service that allows users to interact with the ethereum blockchain from their frontend (web app). Here are some possible steps:

  • Create a New Nodes Server : Set Up A New Nodes Server Using Express.JS or Another Framework Of Your Choice.

  • Store User Private Keys Securely

    : Store User Private Keys in a Secure Manner, Such as using a Hardware Wallet (E.G., Ledger, Trezor) or a Secure Key Storage Service Like Metamask's Own Metamask API.

  • Generate Signing Credentials : Generate signing credentials for each user by retrieving their private key from the second key storage service.

  • Create a new instance of Web3 : Create a new instance of theWeb3Library and Set Up your Ethereum Provider (E.G., Infura, Metamask).

  • Sign Transactions using Signing Credentials : Use the generated signing credentials to sign transactions in your backend service.


` JavaScript

Const Express = Require (‘Express’);

Const App = Express ();

Const Web3 = Require (‘Web3’);

// Set Up Ethereum Provider and Generate Signing Credentials

Const provider = new web3.providers.httprovider (‘

Const Userprotekeys = Await FetchuserpriseKeys (); // Retrieve User Private Keys From Secure Key Storage Service

// Create a New Instance of Web3 and Set Up Your Ethereum Provider

Const Web3Instance = New Web3 (Provider);

Const SigningCredentials = GeneratesigningCredentials (UserpriseKeys);

// Sign Transactions Using Signing Credentials

app.Post (‘/Sign-transaction’, (req, res) => {

Const transactiondata = req.body;

Web3Instance.SignTransaction (TransactionData, SigningCredentials) .then ((SignedTransaction) => {


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