


Ethereum: Where is Double hashing performed in Bitcoin?

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Ethereum: Understanding dual displays in Bitcoin

The first decentralized cryptocurrency, bitcoin, is based on complex encryption techniques to ensure its network. Among these techniques, dual challenges play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and transparency of blockchain events. In this article, we explore the world Ethereum and explore where the double diversification in Bitcoin is achieved, as well as why it is implemented in this way.

What is the double scatter?

Double diversification is an algorithm used to create more children of hash value. Double diversification is based that if two events are identical, both have the same hash value. This ensures that all attempts to change or manipulate events would lead to the same event that the network rejects.

In Bitcoin, double diversification is performed on a certain block, called the “title” of each block, which contains information about the events in that block. The title includes:

  • Block number : Block sequence number.

  • Time time : The moment when the block was created.

  • Hash (M) function and Hash (P) : Hash Sha-256 function used to create a block title.

Here is an explanation of step by step on how the double diversification works:

  • Event information : When creating a new event, it is diversified by the SH-256 algorithm.

  • Creating blocks : The new block is created with a unique number and a stamp.

  • Disadvantage : Hash (M) feature produces a fixed size for each block title.

  • Double distribution : Two identical events are diversified separately using the same Hash (P) function.

  • Hash resulting : Two first events are compared to the second appropriate event.

Where is the double scatter in bitcoin?

The double diversification algorithm is implemented in the Bitcoin protocol in several key points:

  • Creating blocks : The block header contains a unique number and a timestamp used to create both identical hashs.

  • Displaying event information : Each event is diversified separately using the SH-256 algorithm just before being added to the block.

  • Block certificate

    : When certification of events in the block chain, the dual distribution ensures that all attempts to change or manipulate events will lead to the same event will be rejected.

Why double the scattering?

In Bitcoin, there are numerous reasons for implementing double deviation:

  • Hash blocking : The use of two identical hashs for each block title, Dual Challenge prevents all attempts to change or manipulate events as a result of a different event.


  • Safety : Hashing Double offers an additional layer of safety against harmful actors trying to disturb the network or manipulate the events.

Comparison with Ethereum

Although Ethereum also uses a double diversification in its blockchain architecture, the process is slightly different:

  • Ethereum “Keccak-256” (Keccaak-512) : The Shari56 algorithm used in Ethereum is similar to that of Bitcoin.

  • Double-power distribution : Ethereum uses a diving algorithm with double power, called “Keccak-256”, which produces two identical hashs using the same algorithm, as in Bitcoin.

In summary, the double scatter plays an important role in ensuring the integrity and safety of the blockchain in both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Understanding how this algorithm works, users can appreciate complex details that accept these complex encryption systems.

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