Here is a decrease in tone, such as releasing the GetSeFormessage
RPC function in Solana using Web3.js@2.
To use the RPC function GetSeFormessage
, you need to install and configure Web3.js@2. Here are some ways to start:
- Install Web3.js@2:
NPM Install Web3 @Web3/Solity-Abi-Transformer Solana
CONST Web3 = Requires ("Web3");
Consta Provider = new Web3 (New Web3.Providers.httpProvider (Providerurn));
Bell GetSeFormessage
The role of RPC GETEFEFESSAGE Here is the booklet you can call this:
Constant compared to = [
ID: "Rate",
Company: "10 Sol"
// add more
CONST FEMESSAGE = COLLUTION [0] .Message; // 10 solo
Call GetSeFormessage with JSON
If you have JSON object, the content of the data you need to pay, you can call GetSeFormessage
ID: "Rate",
Company: {Type: "Solidity", Address: "0x ... Your_Solana_Address ...", sum: 10}
CONST FEHJSONOBJECT = json.stringify (jsondata);
Date data in GetSeFormessage
Function GetSeFormessage
Inserts the pile or JSON object in the quality of the argument. For data transfer, you need to use any of the following methods:
Method 1: Oppressed in Life Stroki
You can interfere with JSON’s object and transfer it to the cure of the argument:
Consta FehjSonstring = json.stringify (jsondata);
GetPhePeEssage (FeejSonsting); // Note: This will not, just as GetSeFormessage goes to JSON's pile or object.
Method 2: Uninterrupted transport to the function
In the qualities of the alternate, you can transfer unshakable data in the GetPeFormessage 'function:
CONST Fee = {
ID: "Rate",
Company: {
Tip: "Pravoling",
Address: "0x ... Your_Solana_Address ...",
Sounds: 10
GetPheEfeesessage (JSON.Stingify (Fee));
Here is the booklet that will launch the GetSeFormessage 'function with JSON:
ID: "Rate",
Company: {Type: "Solidity", Address: "0x ... Your_Solana_Address ...", sum: 10}
CONST FEHJSONOBJECT = json.stringify (jsondata);
Provider.Send ("GetSeFormessage", [FeejsonObject]). Then ((result) => {
Console.log (result);
}). Catch (((oshchyk) => {
Console.error (Oshbak);
Next -up of this step and use the correct data transfer method to transfer data, you can freely release the RPC function GETEFEFORMESSAGE
in your solana.